Benefits of Aloe vera or Kumari (Aloe vera indica) Indian Aloe

Benefits of Aloe vera or Kumari (Aloe vera indica) Indian Aloe


Kumari means . . . wait for it . . . ‘to impart youthful vitality on you and bring forth the expression of the feminine nature’. This name is borne out, because kumari is a great tonic for your liver, blood, spleen and for the female reproductive system. It calms all the doshas of your body when used in its liquidform. Be careful with the powder form, because it can aggravate vata dosha.

Kumari is both bitter and sweet to the taste with a pungent post-digestive effect, while its action is cooling to your body, which makes it great for burns.

Because kumari works on all of the tissues of your body, you can use it widely for many conditions. It can even act as an antidote to poison, although I hope you’ll never need to use it for this purpose

To mention a few external uses:

kumari treats inflammatory skin conditions; applied as a poultice to your forehead, it eases headaches; the juice soothes
red eyes. In your digestive system, kumari is invaluable, because it promotes good bowel health and bowel movements and increases secretions in the small intestine.

You can use kumari juice as a general tonic, because it helps ignite all the fires of your body at tissue level.

Externally, use the fresh plant by stripping the outer skin off and applying the sticky contents to the skin. Internally, use in doses of 500 milligrams to 1 gram of powder as a decoction in half a cup of water. If you purchase it freshly prepared as juice, follow the manufacturer’s directions.

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