Benefits of Shatavari शतावरी (Asparagus racemosus) Wild Asparagus

Benefits of Shatavari शतावरी (Asparagus racemosus) Wild Asparagus

Meaning ‘one who possesses a hundred husbands’, the translation of this plant’s name refers to the fact that shatavari has very many rootlets.

Its taste is sweet and bitter in the mouth, and post-digestively it’s sweet.

It acts to cool things down. Shatavari is a wonderful tonic for pitta, the blood and the female reproductive system. Shatavari pacifies both vata and pitta doshas and works on all seven tissues in the body.

Shatavari is absolutely invaluable if you’re a woman having issues with your reproductive system, because it acts as a foetal tonic, milk producer and aphrodisiac. It can aid in the treatment of painful periods and is useful to men who suffer from a low sperm count.

Be aware that if your system is toxic (you feel heavy and unable to digest your food) and has a lot of mucus, shatavari may produce even more.

Add a quarter of a teaspoon of powder to a cup of warm milk with one teaspoon of ghee and a little honey. Taken as a powder, it’s safe to use three tosix grams a day. If you have pippali available (mentioned earlier in this chap-
ter), add a pinch of that as well and drink this tonic once a day. Externally,you can use shatavari as a cream, massaging it in to stiff and painful muscles.


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