How to stay healthy at Home and prevent corona virus ?

Well, If you are looking for some ways to stay healthy during corona time, Best answer would be to stay hygienic and stay at home, Some tips to stay healthy during corona time are listed below.

  1. If you are in contact with metal surface, cardboard, sheets of paper, wash your hands thoroughly with soap or hand wash for atleast 20 seconds.
  2. Any thing which enters your home be it a newspaper, grocery, any bags, itemized bill of anything should be sanitized, Make sure without that do not touch anything anywhere at home.
  3. If you have come to your home from outside, the purpose of leaving home should be one and only for buying very very essential stuff like vegetables, home food, medicine only and not for fun or roaming outside just because you are bored sitting at home.
  4. When you enter the door spray some dettol or any disinfectant, like sodium hypochloride all over the packets or anything that you got inside, shower immediately with soap, immediately push all your clothes for wash and wear new clothes. This will eliminate if any corona germs which have come from outside and will not add to house.
  5. Clean your home with dettol or liquid soap or sodium hypochloride every day.
  6. Avoid hand contact with people, try to do namaste if needed and wear mask mandatory while outside.
  7. If you are having cold, cough or fever with chills report immediately to doctor.
  8. Be positive and exercise to improve immune system.
  9. Drink plenty of water more than regular intake.
  10. Last but not least be positive thoughts wise and stay home and healthy.

Following above tips, you can stay healthy in corona time, and save your self and your family. Lets all hope we come out of this corona soon.

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