Balancing the Scales: Helpful Ways to Settle Psoriasis, Eczema and Acne
Psoriasis is a very debilitating disease in which the skin produces silvery scales called plaques, which become red and then itch and burn. In more advanced cases, joint stiffness and pain results.
Eczema, a common condition when the skin becomes rough, itchy and blistered, is no less distressing than psoriasis but is easier to manage. In Ayurveda, it’s known as vicharchari.
Eczema is commonly caused by allergic reactions to both metals and foods, and is often related to asthma.
Skin symptoms vary according to your doshic manifestation:
✓ Pitta: If your skin condition is pitta in nature it will be hot, red, make you
irritable and become worse with heat. It’s definitely worth your while
trying an antiallergenic diet, removing pungent and sour foods listed
in Chapter 11, and trying bitter herbs such as sariva and manjishta to
purify your blood.
Apply oils such as Brahmi and bringaraj to your hair and face, while
organic coconut oil and aloe gel can work well on your body. Turmeric
cream and Psorolin Ointment may help if you have psoriasis.
✓ Kapha: Your condition will be oozing with swelling and itching involved.
Dampness and exposure to cold air will make it worse. An anti-ama diet
is important for you, which means no dairy, yogurt or oily, heavy or
sweet foods. Triphala guggulu, gokshura guggul and neem are helpful to
take. Apply Lippu Ointment for eczema.
Attacking acne:
I remember when I had a pimple on my face when I was young, it always felt like Mount
Vesuvius. I thought that everyone else was only looking at it.
In Ayurveda, acne is known as mukhadooshika (pustules) and yauvanpidaka (puberty). The dhatu, or tissues, mainly affected by acne are rasa (lymph), rakta (blood) and meda (fat).
Treatment for acne needs to address both vata and kapha doshas, and dietary intervention is of major importance in managing this very distressing condition.
✓ Vata: When this dosha is out of balance, the good news is it’s the easiest to cure. It will appear as dry, scaly and fissured skin made worse by wind and cold. Adopt a diet of cooked warm food and follow the vata-pacifying diet in Chapter 11. Taking triphala guggulu and rasna is helpful in this case, as is applying Dhanvantari oil, sesame oil or ghee to your skin.
Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to help in determining the best treatment for you.
For all cases of psoriasis and eczema, the following tips are useful:
✓ Use a non-pore-blocking soap to cleanse your skin, like Biotique Bio-
Neem body cleanser or Psorolin soap.
✓ Don’t use soap powders with enzymes to wash your clothes; they can
cause dermatitis and itching.
✓ Make sure you properly dry your skin after washing.
✓ Try not to do anything that makes you sweat.
✓ Cut down on alcohol and all processed foods.
✓ Visit spas with sulphur-rich waters.
✓ Eat more sulphur-rich foods, including:
• Eggs
• Brussels sprouts
• Beans
• Garlic
• Cabbage
✓ Up your intake of zinc-rich foods or take a zinc supplement, Psoriasis causes a very rapid turnover of skin cells, and so increases your requirement for zinc.
✓ Expose your skin carefully to sunlight to enhance the production of vitamin D in the body.
✓ Take one teaspoon of mahatikta ghrita, morning and evening, for six weeks.
✓ Avoid using very hot water when you shower, and don’t languish too long in the bath; it can aggravate the skin and cause folliculitis.
✓ Avoid coming into contact with rubber or nickel, and don’t wear synthetic fabrics, because they are occlusive and prevent the skin from breathing.
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