Benefits of Brahmi ब्राह्मी (Hydrocotyl asiatica/Bacopa monnieri) Indian Pennywort

Benefits of Brahmi ब्राह्मी (Hydrocotyl asiatica/Bacopa monnieri) Indian Pennywort


This attractive creeper is commonly found tracing its way across the ground in India. One of its names in Sanskrit is Saraswati, who is the goddess of knowledge. Brahmi is said to give you knowledge of Brahman, or the supreme. Yogis use brahmi as a brain tonic to enhance meditation practice, because it’s said to balance both hemispheres of the brain and opens the crown chakra.

Brahmi balances all three doshas by virtue of its bitter and astringent taste in the mouth, sweet digestive effect and a cooling potency.

Brahmi operates mainly on your blood and the tissues of your nervous system.

It’s very useful for dealing with mental upheavals.

Take half a teaspoon of powder in a cup of water and drink as a tea with honey. Use it with milk as a nerve tonic or prepare it with ghee (clarified butter) to use as a rejuvenative.

Make a paste with a little water to apply to skin conditions, or you can buy it as oil and use it for anxious tension in the

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