Benefits of Haritaki हरड़ (Chebulic myrobalan) Indian Gall Nut

Benefits of Haritaki हरड़ (Chebulic myrobalan) Indian Gall Nut

  • Haritaki is a special medicine connected to the god Shiva. Its name means ‘that which carries all disease away’. It contains five of the six tastes – all but salty – and pacifies all three doshas, which makes it a very powerful and useful force in Ayurveda. Its potency in your body is heating and it has a sweet post-digestive effect.
  • Haritaki can serve as a laxative, aphrodisiac and general rejuvenating tonic. It stimulates digestion and has the special property of being able to work on all tissue elements in your body. Therapeutically it can be used to relieve coughs, piles, skin disorders, vomiting, colic and spleen disorders. In its capacity as a rejuvenator, it works by clearing various waste products from your system.
  • If you take it after eating, it can help alleviate all doshas aggravated as a result of unwholesome food and drink.
    Externally, you can use it as an anti-inflammatory. As a decoction to cleanse wounds, mix one teaspoon of ground haritaki with one cup of cooled boiled water before applying it to the affected area. Take 3 to 5 grams once a day as a gargle for problems in the throat and mouth. Take a 1-gram dose when you want to use it as a rasayana, or tonic.
  • Because of its rough qualities, don’t use haritaki if you’re pregnant, debilitated or malnourished in any way. If your pitta is increased, use haritaki with caution.

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